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Frequently asked questions

We know that you will have many questions that you want answeres to. It is normal to be a little apprihensive at first but we have compiled a list of question we are often asked.


some questions

Do I have to be fit...?
Can I teach myself...?
How long does it take to learn...?
What does the BHPA stand for...?
What are EP and CP?
What is soaring...?
Controlling the direction...?
What are the age limits...?
What is tethered soaring...?
What happens when a glider stalls...?
Is it dangerous...?
How long can a glider stay up...?
How much do hang gliders cost...?
Equipment - What do I need...?


Of course, if you have any other question, fears or simply require further infomation, then please do not hesitate to contact us eith by email or phone.





Hang Gliding is not as difficult as it may first appear.. We employ all the latest methods of training available to the student and we will walk you through the process of attaining your license professionally.