Course on gliding hang history and hang gliding uk and also gliding hang magazine. Discover just how easy it is to learn to fly in Great Britain, and obtain your Club Pilot qualification from the UK Governing Body of the sport, the BHPA. This web site should also be of interest to Free Flight Federation pilots, members of the Wales Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club, and suitably qualified visiting hang glider and paraglider pilots from elsewhere in the UK, and overseas. By using thermals, glider pilots are able to fly long distances. Course on gliding hang history and hang gliding uk and also gliding hang magazine.
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When you fly into a thermal you should circle to stay in the lift and climb upto cloud base. Course on gliding hang history and hang gliding uk and also gliding hang magazine. Hills produce lift as the wind flows over them. A gliderr may ridge soar by flying back and forth in the rising air in front of the hill. Pilots also like hills because they function as reliable thermal triggers. Course on gliding hang history and hang gliding uk and also gliding hang magazine.