Course on powered hang gliding and course gliding hang and also colorado hang gliding. All of them use the same engine, the Radne Raket 120 which is made specifically for aviation use. Climb rate is around 300 feet per minute but figures will of course vary with pilot weight, air density, humidity, glider type etc. As with glide angles and sink rates on gliders, manufacturers always give very rosy figures to enhance their products. Course on powered hang gliding and course gliding hang and also colorado hang gliding.
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I get about 250ft per minute on average using a Wasp and a K4. Course on powered hang gliding and course gliding hang and also colorado hang gliding. 5 and 2 hours of flight time, depending on how you use the throttle. In still air with no lift and frugal use of the throttle you should get around 50 miles of flight out of one tank. If you fly into wind you will get much less mileage to the litre. Course on powered hang gliding and course gliding hang and also colorado hang gliding.